” I have a huge bulge under my ribs/above my bb that causes deformity and makes me look 5 months pregnant. Its very hard. At times I am in great deal of pain and believe its from this. It changes in size. Could it be Pseudobursa? I had full TT done 18 months ago. I am assuming it wont be able to be aspirated? The general surgeon I seen wanted to cut my stomach where the bulge is and clean it out? Is this the only option I have? I am very unhappy with my results, what I am wondering is if I do a revision can this removed at this time?”
Hello Anonymous,
Your symptoms and description certainly sounds like there may be a pseudo-bursa. This can be determined by CT scan or physical exam. If it is present it can be removed but it will not be beneficial to try and liposuction or aspirate it as it will not work. To remove the pseudo-bursa the incision to access it can be made right over the area or the tummy tuck incision can be used. When the tummy tuck incision is used the procedure is essentially a full tummy tuck revision. Since most of the work for doing so is the dissection I would advise you to revise any part of the tummy tuck that you are unhappy with at the same time. I frequently perform liposuction, tighten muscles, revise belly buttons, and lower scars when I doing a tummy tuck revision to remove a pseudo-bursa.
All the best,