Hello Sally,

I am sorry to hear about your pseudobursa and your tummy tuck recovery.  I prefer to remove the pseudobursa in its entirety since I feel that any scar tissue left behind can continue to serve as a source of possible pain and/or restriction of activity.  It takes some experience doing so to understand and realize the impact that it has on the patient.  It may be that the partial removal will help you feel better in the long run but I prefer not to take that chance and so I choose to always remove all of it.  At this time you may choose to give it sometime to see how it develops and if your symptoms subside.  Unfortunately, if your symptoms do not improve the only option is to go back in again and remove the remainder.  Doing so will require a full tummy tuck revision or at least thats what I prefer to do since, again, it minimizes the potential to leave something behind that can continue to be a source or discomfort.

I hope this helps.

All the best,

Dr. Remus Repta

QSally Rhodes said…
Dear Dr Repta
3 years ago I had a tt and was very pleased with the look but I started getting discomfort where an original seroma was, after 2 years of investigation a pseudo bursa was found. Last week I had it surgically removed, when I spoke to my ps after he said he’d removed ‘part ‘ of it because that’s all he needed too , then used quilting sutures.
That was 10 days ago and the area of discomfort doesn’t feel any better in fact it feels worse, I am so frightened I am going to have to live with this.
Is removing part of the seroma enough and should I be feeling less discomfort by now ??

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